MU Online SEA: GUIDE: Lucky Set - Blogger
I have these items in wigle: +11+16+luck FULL SET dragon armor +9+16+luck FULL SET Guardian armor +9+16 +luck full set BONE armor
'Lucky Ticket Sets' are premium equipment items available for purchase at the Cash Item Shop. These tickets enable players to acquire a type of premium ancient armor tailored to their character class with randomly generated item levels and additional options.
Solved - Lucky set + joh option | EternalMu Community Forum
Items with Luck have +25% success chance on all upgrades. Also every item with Luck increases your critical hit chance with 5%. It is not a good idea to try to upgrade items without Luck.
Rare Item Ticket No. 1~7 Reward list (updated at MAR 12, 2024) - MU ...
Add Luck or Skill to any armor or weapon except the following items below, - Blessed Archangel Weapons. - Divine Archangel Weapons. - 4th or higher grade of Mastery Weapons (Soul / Blue Eye / Silver Heart Weapons) - 4th or higher grade of Mastery Set (Awakening Soul set / Frost blue eye set / Forefather's Silver Heart Set / Roaring Manticore Set)